Blaster Master: Enemy Below

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Hop back into the driver’s seat of Sophia III for another trip underground in Blaster Master: Enemy Below, an 8-bit handheld take on Sunsoft’s classic exploration platformer series.

Effect Password
Area 2 E6D3D3KG
Area 3 E7C3D3KH
Area 4 E7D3D3KI
Area 5 F6C3D3KQ
Area 6 F6D3D3KR
Area 7 F7C3D3KS
Area 8 F7D3D3KT
Level Passwords with Max Weapons (99 Homing Missiles and Thunder Guns):
Stage 1 I2O2G7KV
Stage 2 M6P3H7KO
Stage 3 M7O3H7K1
Stage 4 M7P3H7K2
Stage 5 N6O3H7KA
Stage 6 N6P3H7KB
Stage 7 N7O3H7KC
Stage 8 N7P3H7KD

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