Inspired by the platformers of the 90s and the colourful animated tales of the same era, Tanglewood by Big Evil Corp is a wonderfully vibrant and visual feast with some complex puzzles that’ll see you reaching for the Evercade save states.
Level Select: At the copyright screen, hold down Left + Start until Djakk eats the Fuzzl. The menu cursor should now be red instead of green. Enter the Sound Test and play the SFX 0x19, 0x65, 0x09, 0x17. Now go back to find a new level select option.
Level Password: Last Boss – All Fireflies OFMKEIJE
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[głosów: 2 średnia: 4.5]
Platformówka z elementami logicznymi. Jak dla mnie – za dużo tu myślenia, chyba po screenach myślałem że to klasyczny platformer 2D. Grafika tip-top