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Roy is an 18 year old adventure-seeker who has left behind his hometown — and his childhood sweetheart Traysia. He has travelled to the Kingdom of Salon with his uncle to seek fame, fortune and adventure — but what trials await him on his journey? And what sort of person will he be when he finally returns to Traysia?

Unlimited gold
Begin game play and reach the Town Of Adventures and successfully complete the treasure game. Leave the Labyrinth and speak to the thief to collect the prize of 20,000 gold. Talk to the thief again without leaving the building to collect another 20,000 in gold. Repeat this to accumulate an unlimited amount of gold.

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1 komentarz:

    • Gracz

      Sorry ale strasznie denerwuje mnie tu samo chodzenie które klatkuje, dodatkowo przygrywa ta nużąca muzyka… nie podpasilo, może potem będzie lepiej?

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