Valis: The Fantasm Soldier

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Yuko Ahso is an average high school senior, who just happens to possess a heart completely balanced with equal parts of Yin and Yang. She has been chosen to wield the sword of Valis against the encroaching Darkness — and rescue her best friend Reiko from Rogles, King of the Dark Lords!

This requires 2 controllers. At any time during actual gameplay, Pause the game with controller 1, then, on controller 2, press right+a+b. This will fill up your HP/MP to the max. You can do this however many times you like.

Alternative: If you don’t have 2 controllers, you can still do the code. After pausing on controller 1, switch it with controller 2’s port and then proceed with the rest of the code.

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1 komentarz:

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      Średniak. Może gdybym w to grał w latach 90, to by lepiej podeszło. A tak chyba dziś taki archaiczny gameplay (platformer 2D), nie za bardzo mi leży.

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