The classic franchise from Gremlin, the ever-popular platformer Zool comes to Evercade in its 16-bit form.

Fly anywhere code
When in-game, hold down Start and press A, B, Right, A, C, A, Down, A, B, Right, A (ABRACADABRA). You can now fly anywhere, but if you get hit by an enemy, the affect will be removed.

Level Select
During gameplay, hold Start and press C, Right, A, B, B, A, Left, Left, A, Down (CRAB BALLAD). Pause, and the left two digits of the collected item counter will change, denoting the world (left digit) and level (right digit) to go to. Toggle the world number with Up and Down and the level number with Left and Right. To go to the chosen level, press A+B+C to return to the title screen, then start the game.

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1 komentarz:

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      Zool wyszedł na sporo ówczesnych platform, ale dla mnie w starciu z soniciem, mariem, czy adventure island wypada dość biednie. Jest szybko, małe pole widzenia, skaczemy często na oślep nie widząc gdzie spadniemy. Mocny średniak

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